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Nulhegan Tribal Enrollment Application Forms and Information
Welcome. Thank you for your interest in enrolling as a citizen of Nulhegan! We treat each application for tribal enrollment with respect, trust, and security. Your completed application will be carefully reviewed in the order it arrives. The review takes time depending on the information supplied by you, and the time for us to validate the connection between you and your Abenaki family member or ancestor. We will contact you if we have questions or need additional information. Enrollment involves several steps accompanied by your copies of important documentation showing ONLY your Abenaki family line. During this enrollment process, you may visit any of our public tribal events, as both citizens and non-citizens are welcome. Please read the instructions below. Following them will expedite the enrollment committee’s review!
General Nulhegan Tribal Enrollment information: Steps 1-5
1. Select an Enrollment Application Form:
Nulhegan Application for Tribal Enrollment: for NEW applicants who have NO known family connection to a Nulhegan citizen’s accepted Abenaki family line.
NOTE: Download Nulhegan Application for Tribal Enrollment from link below.
Nulhegan Relative of Enrolled Citizens Application for Tribal Enrollment: for NEW applicants who HAVE a direct family connection to a Nulhegan citizen’s accepted Abenaki family line. (This direct family connection will consist of your Child, Parent, Sibling, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, Grandparent, or First Cousin.
NOTE: Download Nulhegan Relative of Enrolled Citizens Application for Tribal Enrollment from link below.
2. Filling out Enrollment Forms:
Please take your time, print and sign by pen, clearly where indicated. The email address provided on the enrollment form will be the ONLY email that we will use for communication. Please do not use any other email address for communication concerning enrollment within the tribe.
a. Use only your full enrollment name only, in English, on the application! Please use ONLY that same enrollment name in all follow-up communications with the Citizenship/Enrollment Committee.
b. If you are an adult, 18 years old or older, please complete and sign the application yourself. Adult children will not be accepted under their parent’s application.
c. If you are applying on behalf of someone under 18 years of age, or anyone under legal guardianship, the application must be signed by the legal parent or guardian with documentation of proof as being the legal parent or guardian.
3. Documentation required:
It all starts with a Pedigree Chart. We have included a required document to be used with Enrollment Forms. This chart is to aid in documentation gathering and referencing and must accompany your enrollment application. Then the identified record that shows how each generation ties to the next will be required to complete your application process. Please DO NOT EVER mail us original documents.
NOTE: Download the Pedigree Chart from link below.
When your application is accepted for review, you will be provided a Dropbox link to load the documents you listed in your Pedigree Chart. Please send us ONLY the images of necessary documentation of the one line from you to your Abenaki ancestor. Do not send other genealogical information regarding your ancestry, family trees from the internet or anywhere, that do not have documents for proof. They will not help your application and will slow our process down. All documents must be clearly legible, please. Any document of a living person, for security reasons, will be accepted only digitally, not by email or postal mail.
Examples of Documents:
a. Birth Certificates that identify the name of the parents for you, your biological/birth parents and grandparents in this line. Birth records for each generation are the best document, or baptism records if there is no birth record available.
b. Marriage Certificates can be used on the earlier generations when no birth records are available, they must have the names of the parents.
c. Death certificates or obituaries within your Abenaki family line. These are the least reliable proof of parentage, so if this is all you have, a census record or other document that supports the parent child relationship is helpful as well. Please include the name, date of the publication, and the source of any obituary copies submitted.
When birth, marriage or death records are not available, other records can be used. This article is a good discussion of what records can be used when the paper trail gets weak. Proof: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Preponderance
Other Suggested Resources: Copies of records proving your direct line to your Abenaki ancestor can possibly be found in several resources. Examples would include Genealogical Resource books, Church records, City/State/Canadian Provincial Archive Records, Census records, Wills and Deeds. We have provided below a few examples of free and paid genealogical resources that may assist you in your research:
Free sites are listed here:
Paid subscription sites that can be helpful in finding historical documents in databases:
4. After you have completed the Enrollment Form that best suits you and have gathered your Abenaki genealogical documentation:
Please contact the Citizenship & Enrollment Committee for next steps, or for additional questions, ONLY, at the following email address :
5. Once your enrollment application has been fully submitted, we will thoroughly review, contact you by email, and upon completion, will contact you to inform you of the final determination.
This process may seem daunting or even frustrating at times, but please be patient as the Enrollment process requires many hours of our work, to ensure all enrollment requirements have been met and finalized.
Thank you once again for your interest, and we look forward to working with you.
The ‘Nulhegan Relative of Enrolled Citizens’ form for tribal enrollment is to be used only by New applicants who HAVE a direct family connection to an enrolled Nulhegan citizen's accepted Abenaki family line.
When NOT to use this form:
1. When the applicant has NO known family connection to a Nulhegan citizen's Abenaki family line.
2. When the applicant’s documentation shows relationship to the citizen, but NOT to the citizen's Abenaki family line. The applicant must then use the ‘Nulhegan Application for Tribal Enrollment Form and provide all necessary documentation to their Abenaki ancestor.
3. When the enrolled citizen refuses a written statement of connection approval, then the applicant must complete the ‘Nulhegan Application for Tribal Enrollment Form, providing all necessary documentation to their Abenaki ancestor.
We do not share the accepted genealogical documentation of an enrolled citizen with any applicant, that decision is up to the enrolled citizen.
The applicant must still provide all required documentation copies as proof that they are directly related by family connected to that citizen’s Abenaki family line. This family connection will consist of your Child, Siblings, Parents, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, First Cousin or Grandparents.
Birth, Marriage, and Death records are examples of necessary documentation. Any living person’s documentation must be sent digitally, not by email or postal mail. Once your application is submitted to the Citizenship and Enrollment Committee, reviewed, and the connection established, no further documentation is required.
Download the forms that are appropriate for your situation. There are three forms:
NOTE: Tribal cards are issued only after you have a tribal ID number. You may download the application form from the Nulhegan Citizens page.
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